Before you reward your dog with a chew toy, make sure you're not putting his or her health at risk. Your dog is your best friend; so naturally, you want to reward him or her for being so awesome. But it’s important to know which treats are good for dogs and which ones should be avoided. Most dog owners are probably well aware that there are many human foods you should never feed your dog. But unfortunately, some treats that are made specifically for dogs can present dangers to them, too. Concerns about potential dangers of rawhide bones have many dog owners wondering, Is rawhide bad for dogs?
While rawhides are given to dogs with the best of intentions, overall, they are not good to give to your dog. Rawhides pose a choking hazard to dogs, they can break dogs’ teeth, they can present digestive issues, they may introduce contamination, and more.
The risks outweigh the benefits, and there are plenty of ways to give your dog proper oral care and a delightful chewing frenzy without rawhide.
The truth is, rawhide is an industrial waste product. The reason rawhide chews are so cheap is they’re made out of tons of leftover scraps, mostly from vast factories in China. Rawhide processing involves toxic chemicals, and the chews are flavored with a smorgasbord of hazardous compounds.
We do not recommend rawhide treats at all!
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