The Miniature Schnauzer
The Miniature Schnauzer dog breed has it all in one small package: intelligence, affection, an extroverted temperament, humor, and a personality that’s twice as big as their bodies. Throw in that walrus moustache and quivering enthusiasm, and they will make you laugh every day.
With a Miniature Schnauzer in the house, you will never be alone, not even when you go to the bathroom. They’ve got personality-plus, and whether they’re bounding around ahead of you or curled up snoozing on your lap, you’ll never be bored with one of these pups around. Just make sure you can give them plenty of exercise to keep up with their high energy!
Dog Breed Group:
Terrier Dogs
Height: 13 to 14 inches tall at the shoulder
Weight: 8 to 12kg
Life Span: 12 to 15 years